Тугу бороти треба

Друже, тугу бороти треба
Та очі часом звертати на небо.
Віру, надію май і з тим до справи берися.
Тверезим оптимізмом користай і молися.
Iaroslav                                                    Monday 08.11.2022

Досліджуй, перевіряй

Не все чому чуєш вірити треба,
Але перевіряти про науку землі та неба.
Якщо не певен, годитися не поспішай:
Міркуй, важливі питання перевіряй.

Навіть якщо і знаєш,
Переконайся і так професійно зростай.
Нікому з людей маніпулювати не дозволяй,
Але будь мудрим, простим; молитвою повсякчас користай.
Iaroslav                                                    Sunday 25.09.2022


Завжди борися,
Із цим не барися.
Адже потім зусиль більше треба,
Щоб дістатися чистого неба.

Але не всі боротьби потрібні,
Деякі – дрібниці; деякі – хибні.
Тому зважай,
Сміливість, розум, відчуття часу май.
Iaroslav                                                    Friday 02.09.2022

I ran a temperature and it is high

I ran a temperature and it is high.
This time, the meaning is direct.
I could’ve become deaf or even die –
Bad was the illness in fact.

Just as the sea is beneath and the sky is above a region,
Perhaps, my disease was given,
As a message, as a homing pigeon,
To revise my way of life, sometimes so uneven.

I took medicine, I prayed
And I was trying to find the clue.
I saw so many mistakes I had made,
But Jesus Christ saved me and cured, it’s true.

So, maybe, the purpose of some maladies is
To give us a chance to realize
That something is wrong, but the hint is like a breeze.
Thank Thee Father, Thou art wise.
Iaroslav                                                    Sunday 18.03.2007

Stick together

Today the sky is dark,
But everything doesn’t depend on weather.
And I enter the empty park.
I wish we were together.

I still remember your last kiss,
If we want, there is nothing that we cannot mend
We will win, we won’t miss.
Did we have anything or did we pretend?
Iaroslav                                                    Saturday 24.04.2004

I see “dew” under your eyes

I see “dew” under your eyes,
But why can no one realize?
However you are not alone, be sure.
Look at the sky, its an open door!

The Father is always with you,
He sees and hears, it’s true.
Don’t be crestfallen, cheer up,
Pray on, He can refill your cup!
Iaroslav                                                    Saturday 27.05.2006

In dreams I can see a green lawn

In dreams I can see a green lawn,
A calm, not very deep river, so clear,
As if peace and quiet here were born,
And the blue sky is so near…

However, it is time to wake up,
Dreams can’t last too long.
But who said I cannot make up?
Who said I cannot be strong?

Life has only just begun.
All I need is to try to be clever
To see God’s sun
And a horizon that goes on forever…
Iaroslav                                        Friday – Saturday 06–07.10.2006

There is nothing like true love

There is nothing like true love;
It will thrive, it will live, it will fly like a dove.

Some things are no more the same,
How much they’ve changed: knowledge, style, fame…,

But love stays on.

The grass seems green, the sky seems blue,
But love doesn’t seem – it’s true.

The shaky world can break,
But love is real, not fake.

A loving heart will overcome!

Love is the light for the eye,
Precious, flying above all the gold, so high!

Love is a shelter for bodies and souls;
Love does flatten hills, love does fill in holes.

Love is Life!
Iaroslav                                                    Saturday 14.06.2008