The spiritual first aid kit

The spiritual first aid kit
Is what you want to fit
Wherever you stay or go,
When you rest and when you mow.

The Bible is such a tool,
And it helps greatly as a rule.
It has a bandage of type gauze
For you to use without laze.

It also contains an adhesive plaster,
Which helps work or study blister to heal faster.
Sting and burnt relief
Is the Christian belief.

Finally, it has a disinfectant against misinformation
When you read it as a whole with healthy contemplation.
It has the Lord’s prayer and psalms
Which are prevention and protection balms.
Iaroslav                                                    Sunday 14.01.2024

One of the best inventions

There is one invention
That moves one industry and all;
It serves as a cure or prevention;
It is used to advance and not to stall.

It improves health and immunity
While helping build a community.
It boosts imagination,
And its curious name is “vacation”.
Iaroslav                                        Wednesday – Saturday 03–06.01.2024

Свіже повітря

Свіже повітря здоров’ю сприяє,
Ясності голови допомагає.
Також має користь у презентації
Та рух додає у будь-якій ситуації.
Iaroslav                                                    Wednesday 23.11.2022