“We shall never surrender”

When the fight is fierce
And the armour is about to be pierced;
When the other side is on the advance,
Do not hurry to give up the “dance”.

Before you do whatsoever, pray,
Be it night or day:
Let your hands not go down,
Keep secure your heart, home and town.
Iaroslav                                                    Saturday 02.03.2024

A dance

A good way to exercise is to dance –
It is truly a chance
To keep healthy, have fun,
Be it before, during or after the sun.
Iaroslav                                                    Monday 21.08.2023


Одного разу був розбишака,
Подругою якого лише була ломака.
Нею прагнув він друзів знайти,
Але ніхто не хотів до нього підійти.

Тоді знайшов він одну у вишиванці,
Довго робив навколо неї дикунські танці.
Вона добряче насміялася;
Як очікував він, – зовсім не злякалася.

Гумором, розумом, сміливістю перемогла;
Навколо дивувалися всі, як змогла;
Тоді вона відповіла:
“Щира віра, рідна мова, міцна булава”, і багатьох ще вона спасла.
Iaroslav                                                    Tuesday 02.08.2022

Hey, what a sad face!

Hey, what a sad face!
Don’t worry, everything’s gonna be all right;
Take it easy and you’ll win the race;
The rainy day will go away and you will see the light!

Smile and the world will smile with you.
If you want to feel better, try to move or dance,
It really helps, it’s true.
The life is going on, don’t miss your chance.

There is no doubt,
Your problems will blow like a chewing gum bubble,
Just believe and be stout.
A kind heart will never be left in trouble.
Iaroslav                                                    Wednesday 03.08.2005

Never be sorry that you have missed

Never be sorry that you have missed
An incredible chance,
That you haven’t been kissed,
That you have failed in a dance.

Keep doing good, kind things;
Have courage in stock;
Welcome the grace that the present moment brings.
Thank God for both an open and a closed lock.
Iaroslav                                                    Saturday 17.06.2017

Hey, what are you doing for the rest of your life?

When you meet the one, the husband or the wife,
It’s more than just “how is your day”,
It’s “hey, what are you doing for the rest of your life?”
“We’ll share all things, we’ll dance, we’ll sing, we’ll pray”.

When this happens, be sincere;
Be able to keep silence, say a smart joke;
Be not away on your phone, be with him/her here.
When the time comes, share whatever yoke.
Iaroslav                                          Saturday – Tuesday 13-16.05.2017

When did you last admire the sky?


When did you last admire the sky,
Green grass, and strong trees?
This is amazing, try!
You are required no fees.

How often do you look far away?
Ask yourself. The question is why.
What for to leave when you want to stay?
What for to cut your wings if you can fly?

Vanity is nothing,
Money is only a means.
Look at those who are constantly fussing.
Already old being in their teens!

But we still have a chance.
Your time hasn’t yet slept away.
Always moving like in a dance…
What is there ahead in your way?
Iaroslav                                                        Wednesday 01.08.2007